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Urbana Band Boosters, Inc

All parents and guardians of currently-enrolled band students are automatically members of the Urbana Band Boosters organization. The purpose of the boosters is to support the students and professional staff of the Urbana Band, including providing operating funds, volunteer work and other support as needed. We encourage all of our families to get involved by attending Booster meetings, volunteering for Booster events, serving on committees, and taking leadership roles.

Current Board Members

President, Wesley Wilson

Vice President, Mandy Strawn

Treasurer, Becki Delauter

Assistant Treasurer, Dustin Fain

Secretary, Ann Noland

Member at Large, Minal Patel

Member at Large, Sushma Potluri

Member at Large, Lisa Nargis

PBB Chair, Heather Williams

Fundraising Chair, Dawn Kling


Documents AND FORMS


  • Visit CutTime for current band-related forms and handouts,


We have some talented photographers in our band family! We would like to thank them for sharing their photos for the website and Facebook group.







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